Monday, May 18, 2020

A Brief Biography of Edgar Allan Poe Essay - 1001 Words

Thesis Edgar Allan Poe was a fictional writer that astonished readers with his many mysterious poems and his tales of horror such as â€Å"The Raven†, â€Å"Annabelle Lee†, and â€Å"The Fall of the house of Usher†. Biography Edgar Allan Poe was born on January 19, 1809 in Boston Massachusetts. (A-1) His parents were English born actors Elizabeth Arnold Poe and David Poe Jr. (A-2) After his parents died he was raised by his godfather John Allen, a wealthy Richmond merchant. (B-1) The Allan’s took him to Europe where he began his education in schools in Scotland and in England. (B-2) He returned to the U.S. in 1820 and†¦show more content†¦Poe married his cousin Virginia Clemm in 1836,she was only 13, then in 1837 they went to New York there he published the narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym his only novel. In the summer of 1846 he moved with his wife to a cottage in what was a rural area in Bronx N.Y; she died there of tuberculosis in January of 1947.On Oc tober 3, 1949, in Baltimore a stranger found him delirious and in need of medical attention, a few days later he died at the age of 40 from unknown causes. Work Edgar Allen Poe is a fictional writer he wrote many weird and scary stories and poems, most of his poems mirrored bad things’ that happened in his childhood. In 1845, Poe wrote The Raven which is still one of his best known poems. It was first published in the New York paper. The Raven brought him fame in his lifetime but the fame didn’t bring him much joy. (D-1) Poe’s poems and stories usually had a symbolic meaning in them such as â€Å"The Raven† it stood for grief and sorrow that would never go away. He wasn’t just a poem and story writer he was also a critic. In 1838-1844 he edited Burtons Gentleman’s Magazines and in Grahams Magazine his criticism in these magazines and in the messenger was keen, direct, incisive and sometimes savage.(B-10) Some of Poes magazine stories were co llected as tales of the grotesque and arabesque he also began writing the mystery tales that earned himShow MoreRelatedA Brief Biography on Edgar Allan Poe Essay882 Words   |  4 PagesEdgar Allan Poe was born in Massachusetts, U.S. on January 19, 1809. Poe`s parents were Elizabeth Arnold Poe and David Poe Jr. Poe was named after a character in William`s Shakespeare King Lear. Poe was baptized at Episcopal Church in 1812.His mom was an actress and his dad was an actor. Poe`s dad abandoned the family in 1810. Poe had 2 siblings. His brother was named William Henry Leonard he was a writer, sailor, and poet. He was born in Boston on Jan 30, 1807. 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